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Viruses and Malware

Viruses are not the only thing we need to concern ourselves with as we use personal computers to sure Internet!

Malware or MALicious computer softWARE is software that interferes with normal computer functions or sends personal data about the user to unauthorized parties over the Internet. It includes viruses, adware, spybots, etc. to name a few.

For up-to-the-minute information on current threats check out the Live Symantec Threat Alert Feed below:

For assistance with Security, Virus, Spyware and Adware (together called :Mal-ware:)  protection, contact Sonoran Business Solutions today!


Malware Primer

No longer is simple virus software package enough in this age of mobile computing, high-tech malicious activity and identity theft. Considerations for an entire range of issues should be considered when choosing a software security package for  protection of you, your data, your computer and your identity.  phishing, identity theft, etc.

And, just because you don't have data on say a Netbook does not mean that picking up some form of Malware will not cause you harm. Having to reload your Netbook from scratch can be an impossible task without professional assistance.

So, protect yourself!  Choose a leading name in security protection and choose their Internet Security package that is inclusive of many threat protections AND has a firewall as well. Several products that are highly respected and that I recommend are include Symantec products (click here for comparison) such as:


Other products include:

Also, AVG Technologies offers a FREE but very BASIC Anti-Virus and Spyware package



Virus Alert!
Let SBS-AZ help you in preventing virus infection! 

Do you already have a problem! SBS can help solve and prevent future issues! Contact us today.

Hot Tip!
Software theft is  stealing.  Are you legal!

Let SBS Help you make sure.!


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